Dolly Parton says she’d ‘rather be’ in her 70s than be young again: ‘I mean this from the bottom of my heart’

Dolly Parton is not letting age get her down. Following her 77th birthday in January, Parton spoke with Insider regarding how she feels about aging, revealing the reason she wouldn’t want to be young today. The singer said she’s come to terms with the idea that “wisdom comes with age, and you can’t stop the aging process, nor the numbers.

“Honestly — and I mean this from the bottom of my heart — when I see young people today and I see what they’re going to have to go through, especially in this day and time, I would honestly rather be this age than that age,” Parton explained. Working in the music industry, Parton is constantly exposed to the newest trends in beauty aimed toward appearing younger, but she tries not to “get caught in that trap of thinking” about what she can do to combat looking her age.